I couldn’t find any instructions/videos/manuals on how to assemble and disassemble this multi-tool. But I needed one because it was already starting to rust.
For reference we will use an image from the official leatherman website
Let’s call the left side the one with the Phillips and slotted screwdriver inside. The right side is the one with the file.
On the opposite side from the saw lock, insert the guide (8) into the hole (K)
We put the tools from point 1 on the guide (4-RK)
A plastic spacer (1) is placed on top of the guide after the handle.
Then the J-cover is put on and tightened with a 12 bolt.
Assembling the upper part
Insert the guide (9) into the hole inside the handle on the opposite side from the saw lock.
We put the spacer (6) on the guide inside the handle.
We insert the pliers with the hole A inside the handle and push the guide
A copper spacer (3) is placed on top of the guide after the handle, then a saw (E) (with the sharp side to the left)
It is closed with a cover (H) and screwed with a bolt 13
Assembling the right side
Assembling the lower part
Knife (Q) -> File (O) -> Bottle Opener (S) -> Ring (P)
On the opposite side from the knife lock, insert the guide (11) into the hole (L)
We put the tools from point 1 on the guide. (Q -> O -> S -> P)
A plastic spacer (2) is placed on top of the guide after the handle.
Then put on the M cover and tighten it with bolt 14
Assembling the upper part
We insert a guide with a hexagonal head (10) into the hole inside the handle on the opposite side from the knife lock.
We put the spacer (7) on the guide inside the handle.
Insert the pliers with hole B inside the handle and push the guide
A copper spacer (5) is placed on top of the guide after the handle, then a knife (F) (with the sharp side to the right)
It is closed with a cover (G) and screwed with a 15 bolt.
On the back side, a clip (I) is placed on the hexagonal head (10) and screwed with a bolt (unfortunately, it is not shown in the picture, but it is exactly the same as bolts 12 – 15)
Do not tighten it all the way, otherwise the tool will not move. Tighten it so that there is no play, but the tool can be removed freely, then drip some blue thread locker onto the thread
From Rostov to Belorechensk – train at night (departure about 8 pm, arrival – 4 am).
From Belorechensk you can take a taxi to the checkpoint, you can take a bus / taxi to Maykop, and you can like us – by transfer (https:// gorykavkaz.rf / transfer_do_lagonaki.php).
The return trip is as follows: shelter Babuk-Aul – Solokh-Aul – Dagomys – Sochi – Rostov.
From Babuk-Aul by transfer (can be ordered from a forester in a shelter) to Solokh-Aul.
From Solokh-Aul by regular bus to Dagomys.
From Dagomys by train to Sochi.
From Sochi go by train to Rostov.
Train Taganrog-Rostov = 130 rub.
Train Rostov – Belorechensk = ~1300 rub.
Transfer Belorechensk – Checkpoint Lago-Naki for 6 = 4500 rub.
Transfer Babuk-Aul – Solokh-Aul (UAZ) = 5000 rub.
Bus Solokh-Aul – Dagomys – 150 rub.
Train Dagomys – Sochi = 42 rub.
Train Sochi – Rostov-on-Don = ~1300 rub.
Stay on the territory of the reserve for 3 days for 6 people = 5400 rubles.
The day started late, at 9:00 a.m. Our plans were only to wake up, eat, pack our things and arrange for the car to Solokh-Aul. It was the 4th day, the last day when we had to take the Sochi-Rostov train.
The shelter is much warmer than Fisht, but there were very few people here.
And of course, the monument.
Slightly stretching the legs, we go without slippers, wet grass works as a medicine that reduces inflammation of sore legs.
We had breakfast, and waited for the guys. At this time, the whole shelter began to pack up and soon leave for Solokh-Aul. For an hour we were alone in the camp.
Those who had been in the camp before took care of transport in advance, and left in groups for Solokh-Aul. While Roma and I were packing our things, Ruslan went to the forester to solve two issues:
What about the pass? After all, it was overdue by 1 day.
What kind of transport there is, how much money, and how much to wait for it.
The first issue was solved quite simply – two days ago in Sochi there was a storm that overturned cars, and because of this storm there was a warning not to leave the shelter. For some reason, no one informed us about this, and that day we went to the Fisht shelter. And because of this storm, all passes were extended by 1 day, so our pass is still valid.
The second question was a bit more complicated:
There is no transport except UAZ in the shelter, so you will have to either take two or make room. We chose the former.
When it will be – it is unknown, but no later than 13.00. We were satisfied with this time.
While we were packing our belongings, Alexander appeared at the entrance to the camp. He was soon followed by the rest of the lost group, Maxim and Ilya. We had a snack, went to the shower and discussed who went through the "Merry Descent".
About 12 o'clock, the first UAZ began to arrive. Our forester waved at him, but he ignored him and drove away in the direction of the checkpoint. About 15 minutes later, the next one went, and stopped. We were fully confident that the driver knew that we needed to be picked up, began to pack up and go to him. The first to go was Roma on the easy to find out for the details. How much money, how much to go on time and so on.
As it turned out, no one warned the driver about us, and he was about to leave. We loaded 6 (!) tourist backpacks, karimats and ourselves in the UAZ, we drove towards Solokh-Aul.
Go – 1.5 hours, costs – 5500 for all.
Sitting in the back was not that comfortable, but not on foot. In general, even if we had time, I do not see any point in walking these 15 km to Solokh-Aul. On the left all the time there will be a mountain, on the right – a cliff and the Belaya River. The view is beautiful, but only for the first 10 minutes. Add to this the fact that traffic often goes along the road, and you will have to gently press against the wall to disperse.
When we got to Solokh-Aul, we were dropped off at the bus stop from which buses go to Dagomys. The bus was about 45 minutes away and we decided to have a snack. Nice little café, with delicious food and a nice hostess. We had a snack and loaded onto the bus. Fare payment is about 100 rubles, they accept both a card and cash, but for some reason we did not accept the card.
The most difficult task was to place our backpacks so that they did not disturb anyone. I think the locals are already used to this.
It offers a pleasant view of the mountains and trees
Horses and cows appear on the road every now and then – they control traffic rules here.
When we got to Dagomys (the end point of this bus), we went in the direction of the station – fortunately it is not long to go, about a kilometer. There are no inspection frames at the station, so the backpacks did not have to be thrown off. A kind guard told us that two swallow trains were now departing, one in 5 minutes, the second in 10. The first is almost downtrodden, and the second will be half-empty. We chose the second one and immersed ourselves in it. On the way to Sochi, we watched as we passed the sea, in which we did not swim 🙁
Already in Sochi, we went to the nearest Crossroads and bought food. We loaded onto the train, and finally exhaled calmly. We coped, we were able to. We didn't lose anything, we didn't injure anyone, and almost without incident we missed our train to Rostov.
Already in Rostov, someone went to the train, someone got into a taxi and went to their home, to rest from such a rest 🙂
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the guys who agreed to go, trusted me and passed the tests along the way with me; tourists whom we met, and who gave advice, as well as all those who helped in the initial stages with tips, tracks, instructions.
In the morning we woke up in a great mood – from the expectation of a beautiful transition, from the fact that we rested, and from the incredible beauty of the Fisht shelter.
At the same time, we considered the shelter in detail.
View from the tentMount OshtenEntrance to the shelterView from the camp to the place where we came from
We packed up our basics and went to prepare our meals in the tent on the right. It's also a clothes dryer, and just a collection point, because it's under the roof.
On the right is a tent in which we dry things and cook foodLocal dryer
Maxim prepares to eat
By the way, it was here that our pathfinder (https://www.sportmaster.ru/product/20129870299/) gas cylinder ended. It lasted 2 full days, the morning of the third; 6 persons; heating the stew, water for tea, and boiling the rice. Excellent result. But as it should be in the reserve, all the garbage is packed and goes with you.
After breakfast, the weather began to change – rain clouds began to approach, a cool wind blew.
At the last time before going out, our forester said: "I agreed, it will be sunny weather all day." We thanked him and went.
The first thing we see when we leave the camp is a monument to the fallen climbers.
The road starts through the forest, up the hill. Along the way, we warmed up with a group of climbers.
And after just a couple of steps, the forest thinned and a divine view opened.
Here we decided to take photos for everyone on the avatar 🙂
The mountains with the forest are well lit by the sun, and the faces are not very good. So Alexander arranged for Roma to stand with a telephoto with a flashlight and illuminate his face. Creative personality.
And our road continues to pass through the forest.
Then the terrain becomes more open. And the clouds keep coming up to us.
And on the other
On the route there are a huge number of monuments, flags and commemorative plaques
Two yellow stripes with red in the middle – the mark of the route, so we are going the right way. But there is no other road.
Climbing higher and higher into the mountains
Our road lies on the Belorechensky Pass. The road is difficult, there is dirt everywhere, and if you do not probe with sticks, you can go knee-deep, as Ruslan did. The group of Maxim and Ilya was a little behind, but the connection was confident.
Finally, we crossed another climb and came to the pass.
The road goes again through the mountains and passes through the clouds.
Another glacier
Then something happens that we expected, but hoped it would not happen. What happens when you make a beginner's mistake and divide the group. Lost connection.
The main walkie-talkie failed due to the fact that the battery died. I did not expect, because according to my assessment and experience, the walkie-talkie (Baofeng UV-5R) lives at least 3 days of active use. In this case, there was a backup radio. And it was flooded with rain, which all the buttons on the keyboard refused. The walkie-talkie worked at the reception. This is a problem, but not critical, you need to dry the radio. And then the second test fell on his head.
We came to a small clearing where the fog from the cloud became so dense that there was absolutely no visibility. Only the navigator (OsmAnd) was able to reach the next label. And how to bring the second group? We decided to leave a mark of stones.
We set it up and realized that the idea was not very good. We decided to wait a bit. In case of failure of the radio, there was a signal – you hear a whistle (fortunately they were on every backpack), give a return whistle.
We stood, whistled, there is no response signal. Here came another group of tourists who will still play their role more than once on this day. They asked them for a walkie-talkie, set the frequency and began to call. There is no signal.
A beginner's mistake. The entire group must have an electronic card.
They made probably the only right decision in such a situation – to remove the maximum amount of weight from Alexander and send him to meet the second group. They took the stew, some of the team equipment and the tent. Alexander, who knew the way, went to meet them. And off we went.
After walking a bit, on the horizon appeared jokes in the fog, similar more to the location from Silent Hill.
There, the walkie-talkie dried up and the buttons worked, there was a signal because the guys climbed to a higher ground. We bought a couple of tortillas, took a break and moved on.
Our road goes through the Cherkessky Pass to the forest, then to the "Veselyi Descent" and from there there is a direct road to the checkpoint and shelter Babuk-Aul.
Out into the woods
We crossed paths with a group of tourists that gave us a walkie-talkie to communicate with. They rested on a small extension. We talked to them. They also go to the shelter, but decided to spend the night here (although it is forbidden). And we moved on.
The clock time is 18:00. The sun begins to set quietly and you need to speed up. We went to a small clearing, and caught a mobile connection. We got a call from the guys from the second group – Maxim, Ilya and Alexander. They have just crossed the pass and entered the forest. And we're almost out on "Merry Descent." The guys decided to continue the journey, but according to the situation to return and set up camp.
And we went to go through the "Merry Descent". Doing this in the evening is an extremely risky venture – when the sun sets, visibility will drop to zero.
Why is the descent called "fun"? The length of the descent is about 7 km. Everything is simple, the slope is up to 45 degrees, which is extremely difficult to pass. But we're moving on.
We decided to take a little break.
We decided to go to the "Clean Springs" that tourists told us about. We went to the springs, but we decided not to set up camp and go all the way to the end. But before that, eat a little.
It got dark. We packed our things, put on our flashlights and then everyone caught a panic. 2 eyes-like lights were looking at us from where we came from. Why can't I cook outside the shelter? Because bears can come.
Slowly approach each other and begin to step back. And then the eyes begin to move away. "Squint-eyed bear," I thought. But there were only fireflies. Extremely bright.
Meanwhile, the sun had completely set and had to walk in complete darkness.
To understand the complexity of what is happening – everything that is beyond the light spot of the lantern is absolutely invisible. Also, due to the high humidity, the vapor from the mouth remains at eye level, so each exhalation blocks visibility for a few seconds.
Finally, we went downhill and went straight to the checkpoint. They began to ask the foresters drunk in the hollow to stay with them, because there was no more strength to go. But the conversation did not work out, we were sent to an orphanage.
After discussing, we decided to reach the river (1.5 km) and make a decision whether to spend the night nearby or continue the way to the shelter.
When we reached the river, we agreed to continue on our way. After walking another 2.5 km we finally came to the shelter. Our emotions were indescribable.
After dropping our backpacks, we sat on the arson and almost fell asleep on them. Somehow finding the last strength we set up our tents and fell asleep.
We decided to start the day as early as possible, but it turned out as always – a rise at 7, breakfast at 7:20, packing and checking out of the shelter at 10.50. Get off at 11 am on a route of 22 km? Of course, the plan is perfect. In addition, there was another problem – Maxim last day was tired of cooking food for everyone and his rice was undercooked, and in the morning he felt extremely bad.
Decided to go
Last day, a forester was asked if there was any way to get to the next shelter not on foot. Of course, he replied. Helicopter or horses (but only things). We prepared to walk.
We climbed through the forest to the Belorechensky Pass, and a strong fog covers us. And then it's like in a horror movie.
Visibility is 2-3 meters, part of the group (Maxim and Ilya) are lost due to different speeds of passage, the main walkie-talkie sits on the far side from the cold (at night +3-5), the backup radio is flooded with water, and it works exclusively for reception. Communication with the second group is lost. In addition, the road goes into the fog with zero visibility, and only the navigator knows how to pass it. And the navigator is only mine.
They took everything they could from Sani and sent him to meet the second group. Sanya successfully got there, found out that they turned off the trail and left in the other direction. I took them to the right path and went.
We got to the stalls, had a little snack and went to the Cherkessky Pass. After it there are no climbs, the road is exclusively down.
Nice forest with small waterfalls, which we practically ran. And then, what is called "Merry Descent" – a passage through the forest, with a slope of 45 degrees. Most of the descent (7 km) we passed by light, the remaining 2 km to the checkpoint and another 4 to the shelter we walked at night.
At this time, the second group (Max, Ilya, Sanya) was just entering the forest. On a small plot there was a mobile connection, we called and they decided to spend the night in the forest, because it was already very dark, and going through the whole fun descent can be life-threatening. They were lucky to meet tourists from the LizaAlert group, and the fact that they had a tent. We agreed to go early in the morning to get to us.
The passage of the forest at night cannot be expressed in words: due to humidity, the vapor from the mouth does not rise, and remains at eye level; due to the lack of illumination of the city, complete darkness. You can safely crash into a tree, simply because it is a centimeter farther than the light spot of a lantern.
After wiping our feet to the point where there were no fingerprints on our fingers, we still made it to the checkpoint. We asked with tears in our eyes for permission to set up tents and spend the night, but the foresters who were booing in the hollow sent us to an orphanage. And we went.
When we got to the shelter, we just fell to the ground and almost fell asleep. We barely set up a tent and fell asleep.
The night rain was heavy enough, but it was nice to fall asleep under it.
In the morning there was an extremely beautiful view.
The Impending Cloud in the Instructor's Crevice
The height here is 1977 meters, so the snow can already lie quietly, which we used for the photo 🙂
For breakfast, they opened the sprats with bread and made tea.
A beginner's mistake. Do not take small snacks in the form of chocolates, cookies or protein bars.
We packed up our backpacks, dried our tents and decided to move out. And it was at this point that the cloud began to approach us, completely blocking visibility.
And on the other side the view was magnificent.
Then Victoria Peak opened up in front of us. It can be bypassed either on the left or right. On the left was one group, on the right – 4. The band suggested going to the right, although the track showed the correct path on the left. I had to agree.
Our version of the path (15 km)
The right way (10 km)
One day of travel helped to understand how to set up a backpack, better distribute the weight and use trekking poles. The road started about as we expected – wet grass, mud, streams with cold water.
Stepping out onto a small hill, a beautiful view opened up again from behind.
Our road lay forward and slightly to the left. We had to go down to the foot of Oshten and go around it. In the photo – along the snow and a little to the left
The relief was typical for Adygea – a descent down and immediately an ascent up.
After walking a little further, we stopped for a small smoke break.
Staying there was the most correct decision. On this day, a storm began to rage in Sochi, overturning cars. He overtook us at an altitude of 2200 meters. And a small smoke break allowed us to gain the necessary strength, although we did not know about it yet.
The road led us through the snow, which part of the group was incredibly happy about – the tread on the shoes was almost absent and there were no trekking sticks.
After passing it, and going to a small peak, an incredibly beautiful view opened.
The navigator (OsmAnd) showed the route only through the return to the Instructor's Gap, there was no satellite map, the track of my friends passed elsewhere, there was no road on the paper map, there was no satellite map, but it would not help.
And then we notice how two tourists are coming to us – a guy and a girl. We did not see any other tourists almost from the beginning of the route, so we were even a little happy. There was a remarkable dialogue:
– Where are you going?
-And you?
– And we were the first to ask
– We are on Fishtenka
– And we are on Fishtenka
– Do you know the way?
– And We Don't Know
We found out that they are from St. Petersburg, and they go on a paper (!) map.
Together we rested a little, and went on.
The road was waiting for us hard – to walk almost along the edge of the cliff, through the mud and bypassing the water from the streams. After a couple of hours, the road changed to a rocky one and it became much easier to go. We also approached the Fisht-Oshtenovsky Pass, which means that the road went further exclusively to the descent.
Endless cold rain, and fine hail began to exhaust, although the raincoat held extremely confidently and did not let in excess moisture.
We went to the monument to the defenders of the Caucasus
Interestingly, usually all groups go around Oshten on the left, in order to then climb to this and other monuments without extra weight. We, without knowing it, combined everything together 🙂
A rather sharp and protracted climb on the stones began. After going through it, we suddenly realized that winter boots would be very useful.
Next to the rickety mark was a tour. And next to it is a pair of Outventure shoes that were saved as best they could. We are against garbage in the reserve (and in other places too), but we could not grab the boots, there was less and less strength left, and the camps were not visible on the horizon.
The entire further road to the descent was exclusively snow, strong squally wind and rain.
And now the road begins to go downhill, the snow becomes less and less, and it becomes clear where the camp is approximately located. "Going down is much easier than going up," we thought. "We'll see," nature thought, and we appreciated her humor.
I've never seen a more beautiful view in my life. I wanted to take pictures over and over again, but I had to go. After walking another 3 kilometers, we met a cheerful group of tourists who were walking down on the lung. They said that there was absolutely nothing left before the camp, another 4 kilometers. But the camp was not visible. And so, passing a small hill we saw small red roofs. It was Fisht's shelter.
We did not know more happiness on this day, after so much time and effort, we were convinced that we were going the right way. It seemed that even the strength increased a little.
After a couple of kilometers, the road began to go down sharply, and the sound of the river separating me from the camp became louder and louder. And finally I went down to her.
Downstairs, our avant-garde from Ruslan and Roma was already waiting for me. We decided to rest, gather all the strength that we have for the last jerk, as well as find a crossing over the river. Ruslan forded it 2 times and made sure that the task was doable. I went to look for a workaround. Actually in the photo, you can see the log. But how do you cross it? The answer was suggested by another group of tourists – sticks are placed at the edges of the log, and you go leaning on them. But since there were only 2 pairs of sticks, we handed them over as we passed.
It's just a matter of walking through the thickets into my height, not drowning in mud deep into my height, and going out to the shelter.
After walking another 15-20 minutes, we finally came to it – the famous Fisht shelter.
The river from which water is taken for washing dishes
They found a forester and went to register his group. This is the first time I've heard the phrase I've been waiting for so long – who is your group leader? The whole group looked at me and I nodded confidently. Having signed up in the journal, the guys decided to find out if there was another transport here. Of course there is, the forester replied. Horses for transporting things and helicopters. We realized that we would have to walk 22 km on willpower. We went looking for a place for tents. The plan is simple, lose weight, eat, dry things. And preferably before dark, because at night it becomes terribly cold.
Set up our camp, ate, and went to dry things for the fire. We got acquainted with other tourists, told about our route. Many were surprised that we went around Oshten on the right, because the road there is much more difficult. Also for the first hike. But we are not looking for easy ways. Here, someone noticed a faint light from where we came from.
The light in the distance is someone's headlamp
Someone was walking our way at night. It could have been us on the first day, but we made the right decision.
Mental gatherings by the fire seemed to add strength. Well, things dried of course 🙂
Sit-togethers with the guitar
The day was coming to an end. In the morning we planned to wake up as early as possible, quickly pack up and move, because we had 22 km to walk, which in itself is not a little, and even to pass the famous "Merry Descents", about which we had heard.
We go to the Rostov-Glavny railway station and load on the train. Lay out the doshiki, and take out the uno (well, what else to do?). Arrival at 4 am in Belorechensk.
Going to Belorechensk
Belorechensky Railway Station
We arrived in Belorechensk, and now we go on foot to the Belorechensk Hotel. Only 4 km.
Sanya slippers changes Answers exactlyOn the way to the hotel
For a couple of minutes we couldn't understand why the door was closed. It turned out to be necessary to pull it straight. The hotel costs 400 rubles / night for two. Everyone was not allowed to move into one room, as we planned. But so even better, everyone was able to sleep a little before the road.
The room offers a gorgeous view.
View from the window
Before going to bed, I decided to step away from the plan and call for a transfer. Why didn't I order right away? They ask for an advance payment, and the site is similar in design to 2005. But being in Belorechensk, the risk is minimal, because we pay the driver in fact.
View of the site on 02.10.2022
We were a little more comfortable with the rates. A taxi costs about 2000 rubles, and three of us will fit in. And then we go with the whole company, and we will get there – there is still a possibility that the taxi driver will refuse to go, the road is not the best.
I wrote to the number on the site, and an hour later I received a response – the driver is ready to take us at 10 am. With that thought, I went to bed.
Around 8 am I called the driver, agreed on 10 near the hotel and decided to act according to the plan:
Change into camping clothes
Things that will come in handy immediately, place closer to the valve
Distribute food and tents
Distribute the stew
The hotel is a kind of portal in the USSR. A security guard who seems to have seen all the leaders of the CPSU, the Electronica-7 clock, the elevator, with buttons that shoot off upon arrival and the general entourage, reminding me of the old clinic in which I once went.
Despite old age, everything looks well-groomed
That same elevator
The driver arrived at 10:10 in Barguzin. Honestly, I had never seen this car before, but it turned out to be extremely convenient.
Inside Barguzin
1.5 hours on the road and here we arrived at the Checkpoint Lago Naki. At the checkpoint they bought a pass – 3 days / 6 people = 300 * 3 * 6 = 5400 rubles.
Lago Naki CheckpointRoute mapThe band was already waiting for me to take pictures of everything around me.
After walking a little and going to the observation deck, we were filled with incredible joy. Joy, from the fact that everything turned out. We packed up, packed up our gear, built a route, and finally came out.
View from the observation deckGuards in Pyaterochka
We were surprised to find that at an air temperature of about +24, there is snow. It's all about groundwater, the temperature of which allows the snow not to melt.
Snow that has not melted
We walked a little higher and decided to take pictures at the second most popular observation deck in the area. By the way, this is the last place where the connection still catches, because right in front of us is the communication tower.
On the way to the instructor's slit parking lot, they made probably one of the most beautiful cdaras of the entire hike. Against the background – Mount Fisht (2867 m).
Mount Fisht
Passing small elevations, each time an incredible view opens.
In the process of the hike, we made one of the mistakes of a beginner – the division of the group. The division was into 3 groups: Roma and Ruslan were in the vanguard (as the fastest). Communicate with them through the cheap Walkie-Talkie radio station. Max and I were walking in the middle. We had a Baofeng UV-5R from the connection. Two frequencies – one for the group, the second – for the Ministry of Emergency Situations. And finally, the third group – Sasha and Ilya. They walked confidently, but slower than the rest.
Error. Whatever the connection, you can't divide the group.
In addition, it was also affected by the fact that no one had previously walked with backpacks for tourists, and the understanding of the correct setting was only in theory.
Along the way, we found several streams from which we collected water. This was the second mistake of the beginner – there was no map of water resources. You go, and you do not know whether it is worth saving water on this site, or soon there will be somewhere to replenish the supply.
We met a large group of other tourists (>15 people) who were walking with us on the way to the Instruktruskaya gap. According to their plan, there should be an overnight stay, and we were going to move on. They tried to dissuade us, but we were adamant.
The time on the clock is 17:00, and the first group has already reached the parking lot, which notified us. We dropped our backpacks and went back to meet us. The road is not that difficult in technical terms, but there is a lot of water and dirt, and you have to look for workarounds every time. Ironically, they often coincide with the track of the guys who went 2 years ago.
After walking a total of about 10 km, we came to the parking lot. Soon the second group joined us.
Standing near the charade
Given that the clock is already around 18:00, it was pointless and dangerous to go further. Firstly, this is the first day, in the second almost half of the remaining way would have to go at night.
Therefore, we decided to stay here for the night and rest more. While the guys were collecting water, Maxim began to prepare food for us.
Maxon on the cook
Error. A pan of 1200 ml is enough for two, it will be enough for three, but not for six. Also, rice in bags is much more convenient to cook than usual.
The temperature began to drop to night +3 – +5 degrees. Let's go on vacation.
We drink tea in a tent to the sound of rain
The distribution of tents was as follows: the first double tent for Ilya + backpacks and some things; the second is for me with Ruslan, the third is Max, Sanya and Roma.
Disclaimer. There will be a lot of beeches in this post, it's more like an instruction.
Route 30, aka Through the mountains to the sea, it is also the legendary thirty. It starts from the cordon of Lago-Naki and ends in Solokh-Aul. It takes place in the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve, and is considered one of the most beautiful routes in the south of Russia. In the Soviet Union, it went 2 weeks (90 km), now from 3 to 5 days (60 km).
2 years ago I accidentally saw photos of this route somewhere in VK, then a photo from Vadim Adinyaev, I talked to him, borrowed a track for navigation and began to think actively. I called Maxim Chertkov, figured out about the time when to go, and a list of equipment. While Maxim honestly bought everything, I was lost in time and missed all deadlines) As a result, the trip broke down 🙁 He still remembers that.
As time passed, I was determined that I would go this summer, with no options. At the same time, I invited a couple more guys, went rafting on kayaks, found experienced guys who highlighted subtle moments.
How many beautiful places we have for tourism, how much we do not have prepared infrastructure for this. The introductory ones were as follows: the whole hike should take 4 days, be minimal in budget (and it is desirable to keep within 5k), almost everyone in the group goes for the first time on a hike (like me actually, but on foot), equipment and experience – no.
– Point one. How to get there. We start from Taganrog, the end point is the Lago-Naki checkpoint. It took all day to make a route and turned out to be the following: Taganrog – by train to Rostov (in the evening) – by train from Rostov to Belorechensk (at night) – to sit for a couple of hours in the Belorechensk hotel – in any available way (we chose a taxi initially) to the checkpoint.
The problems began immediately, there were only 3 tickets to Belorechensk for the right time (and a group of 6 people), they had already resigned themselves to the fact that they would have to go in the afternoon, as 20 tickets suddenly appeared for the right time. At the speed of Flash I buy tickets for everyone. One less problem.
-Second Item. Register the group. The leader of the group, he is also the instructor must register everyone in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. To do this, a huge questionnaire is drawn up for each participant on the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (preferably 10 days before the hike, but I sent it a day). It indicates everything: starting points, parking, emergency parking, derailment and reduction of the route, frequency of radios, phone numbers, addresses and much more.
– Point three. Equipment. What is required: – Backpack – Sleeping bag – Karimat – Tent (one per N person)
You can do without everything else. Actually, that's what we did. I took on : – Campfire equipment – First aid kit – Maps and navigation – Walkie-talkies
Who could, took for himself: – Warm clothes (fleece jacket, pants) – Trekking sticks – Raincoat – Sunglasses – Cutlery
I will write a full list of equipment in the comments.
– Point four. Food With food, the issue was solved easily. Calculation of 1 can of stew for 2 people per meal. So, 3 cans * 3 meals * 3 days = 27 cans + 200 grams of porridge. As a result, the diet was rice + stew Agrocomplex (very tasty). As well as fast-brewing porridge Bystrov.
After sending all the data, packing all the things and buying the tickets, we were ready.
Result: 7400 rubles per person for the entire trip.